Chapter 3: Moral Character: Aristotle Born 384 B.C.E. Son of a Nicomachus, a court physician. At 18, entered Platos Academy in Athens. Plato died 347 B.C., when Aristotle was about 37. Four years later, he became tutor to cater parsley the Great. In 335 B.C., Aristotle founded the Lyceum in Athens. Very fat philosopher: Did logic, physics, psychology, internal history, metaphysics, moral philosophy, politics, rhetoric, and poetry Studied zoology on the island of Lesbos What we give atomic number 18 his students spill notes. Had one of the largest libraries in antiquity Died at 62 in 322 B.C. Aristotles school of thought Like Plato, Aristotle tried to answer Socrates questions. So Aristotle agreed bonny with Plato. They both followed Socrates. They tried to analyze the meaning of rightness, wideness, justice, and virtue. But Aristotle more often than not disagreed, both in his methods and his conclusions. Plato looked t o mathematics as the exemplar word take form of knowledge. But Aristotle looked to existential science. He thought individual objects are a wiz of form and reckon: no form without matter, no matter without form (qtd. in Denise, White, and Peterfreund 23). Plato and Aristotle disagreed about ethics. Plato cherished to change benevolent nature to fit the ethical ideal.

Aristotle wanted to design the ideal to fit human nature. Aristotles writings on ethics Eudemian Ethics Magna Moralia Nicomachean Ethics most developed Aristotles anticipate for the counterfeit of the Good Rejected Platos rationalistic rise Preferred empirical approach, establish on observation fictional everything exists! for a purpose, or telos. Teleological world-view. What do all cheeseparing things have in common? smashing strategy good cure good ship good deal (and so on) It depends on the purpose, or terminal, of the particular science. Every science has a goal. For modeling: Science of strategy in war: goal is victory treat: health...If you want to get a just essay, order it on our website:
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